
It's a Bug's World

It's a Bug's World

Read all about a new exhibit that I built at the Children's Museum of Bozeman! The project involved a combination of woodworking, electronics and coding, so I had a lot of fun putting it all together.

Arduino Web Widgets For Rich Learning Experiences

Arduino Web Widgets For Rich Learning Experiences

O'Reilly Media's Oriole platform provides a rich learning experience by combining video, text and interactive coding widgets. To me, it seemed like the perfect way to teach Arduino, but interfacing with Arduino from a browser is tricky business. Read about how I managed to get a simple example going that includes writing code, uploading it to your Arduino and using your Arduino to interact with widgets on the page, all from your browser window.

Arduino Powered Circle Of Fifths

Arduino Powered Circle Of Fifths

A circle of fifths chord progression player powered by an Arduino and some clever circuitry. Turn the dial to adjust which chords in the circle are major, minor or diminished. Hook your device up to a MIDI synthesizer to hear the chords play!